Le Jeu Pour Tous
Le Jeu Pour Tous

Le Jeu Pour Tous

A propos

LJPT is a Belgian non-profit association dedicated to making video games accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Our mission, by going out to meet them, is to meet their needs not only by providing them with the right equipment, but also by coaching and training them.

We believe that every player, regardless of their disability, should have the opportunity to play these games freely, to enjoy themselves and to connect with other players.

We hope that our project will help to improve the quality of life of people with reduced mobility by offering them opportunities for leisure and integration, as well as raising public awareness of the challenges they face.


Issue Type

Game Therapy

Rehabilitation patients often lack commitment and motivation : The use of therapeutic devices based on video games stimulates their involvement and improves their results, as demonstrated by the MediMoov device.

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